Thursday, December 4, 2008

Listing for January 2009

I’ve put 2 books in my listing for this upcoming January.


Against Medical Advice by James Patterson.

James Patterson is my current favorite writer alongside Dan Brown. And this time, he jumped into a non-fiction style of writing. His latest title, Against Medical Advice is based on true story, revolves around Cory Friedman, who suffered from a rare disease.

I can’t wait to have my hand on this book. Right now I’m struggling to finish another title by Patterson, Roses Are Red. I wonder why they don’t have Kinokuniya or MPH in Terengganu.


Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.

I’ve tried to grab this title for more than a year. It’s not awhile since I read The Da Vinci Code. Reckoned to be the best fiction title after TDVC. And I’m so into it. I’ve searched for it in Terengganu. No luck in finding it. Last time I went to Kino, this book was sold out.

Robert Langdon is the lead role. I think there'll be a film released with the same title next year. Being adapted by the novel, as the previous production of TDVC.

P.S: I’ve got another few titles running ‘round my heads. Most of them are Patterson’s. But I’ll keep it until the next month. The budget is tight. So does the time. And I’m missing the time spent hanging out at Kinokuniya.

Posted by Posted by Ariff Arifin at 9:31 AM
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